Nonton The Stairs 2021. In 1997, 11 year old Jesse finds a mysterious staircase in the woods and disappears – – 20 years later, a group of hikers, set off into the very same woods.
Unfortunately for them, they come face to face with the very same set of stairs Jesse discovered all those years ago.
What started as a week-long adventure with friends quickly turns into a terrifying fight for survival in The Stairs. in 1997, a young boy is out hunting with his grandfather (Schneider), when he stumbles upon a mysterious staircase deep in the forest.
The subsequent disappearance leaves locals baffled as to the fate of the wayward pair. Twenty years later, a group of hikers set off on an ambitious trail, deep into the same stretch of wilderness.
With each step away from civilization they are pulled deeper into the treacherous trap of the mountain terrain where they stumble upon the same set of ominous stairs.
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