Tracy is a normal 13-year-old trying to make it in school. After befriending the most popular girl at school, Evie, Tracy’s world is turned upside down when Evie introduces her to a world of sex, drugs and cash.
But it isn’t long before Tracy’s new world and attitude finally takes a toll on her, her family, and old friends.
At the edge of adolescence, Tracy is a smart straight A student, if not a little naive it seems…she smokes and she cuts to alleviate the emotional pain she suffers from having a broken home and hating her mom’s boyfriend, Brady.
When she befriends Evie, the most popular and beautiful girl in school, Evie leads Tracy down a path of sex, drugs and petty crime like stealing money from purses and from stores.
As Tracy transforms herself and her identity, her world becomes a boiling, emotional cauldron fueled by new tensions between her and her mother, as well as, teachers and old friends.
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