Three Steps Over Heaven – Tre metri sopra il cielo A bad boy and a socialite girl hook-up.
Step, and Babi, belong to two completely different realities.
She is a model student, has friends and courtiers and is divided between home, school, and private elite housewives.
He is a hard-pasted thug and has troubled family relationships who spends her time in clandestine races in motion and raids.
Fate will bring them to meet and fall in love, though she is the only witness to his aggression to a poor man who has split his glasses with a head and intends to testify against the boy.
Their story takes off according to the logical banal of alchemy between opposites and the opposition of her parents. He is introduced to a world that is unknown to her, she begins to skip the school, to study less and to get hurt in trouble, but it seems that nothing is able to divide her from him.
The two have never been in love before, but his violent and unscrupulous life will go back to her several times until, after the death of his great friend Pollo who had a story with Pallina, Babi’s best friend, she will decide to leave him permanently.
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