Almost a decade has elapsed since Bowiesque glam-rock superstar Brian Slade escaped the spotlight of the London scene. Now, investigative journalist Arthur Stuart is on assignment to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic Slade.
Stuart, himself forged by the music of the 1970s, explores the larger-than-life stars who were once his idols and what has become of them since the turn of the new decade.
London, 1971 – Flower Power is on the wane and floundering hippie troubadour Brian Slade feels old-fashioned and out of step until he experiences the raw power of rock musician and exhibitionist Curt Wild at a live concert.
Smitten and inspired, Slade rises from the ashes of fussy brocade, reincarnating as the ambiguous pop-rock God/dess of platinum dust and phoenix feathers, Maxwell Demon.
His alluring androgynous imagery and the seductive sounds his ‘glitter rock’ seduce teenagers across the world, offering refuge for the weird and unwanted with the promise of an everything-goes hedonism.
At the height of his fame and cultural influence, he plots his sensational demise to escape, alienating his fans and falling into obscurity.
On the 10th anniversary of the character assassination, journalist Arthur Stuart investigates Slade’s disappearance, forcing him to revisit his own confusing teenage identity crisis and rebirth mirroring that of his idol Brian Slade.
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