The story of two renowned actors of Fascist cinema, Luisa Ferida and Osvaldo Valenti, who were supporters of the regime until the very end.
Accused of collaborationism and torture, they were summarily executed by Partisans during the Liberation.
While shooting his latest picture, Golfiero notices a beautiful woman working as an extra, Luisa Manfrini, and he’s immediately convinced she has star quality. Taking Luisa under his wing, Golfiero gives her a new name, Luisa Ferida, and begins grooming her for a new career as a cinema idol.
As Rome falls to Allied forces, Luisa and Osvaldo flee to still-Fascist Northern Italy, where they are welcomed as stars and attend a social event where they are guests of honor alongside Pietro Koch, well known as a go-between for the Italian and German forces.
When Mussolini’s reign is finally put down in Italy, Luisa and Osvaldo discover they have a great deal to answer for as they struggle to convince others that while they may have rubbed shoulders with Fascists and Nazis, they themselves were never Axis agents an argument that rings hollow when the two are charged with war crimes.
Film Wild Blood atau judul aslinya Sanguepazzo di tampilkan sebagai presentasi khusus di Film Festival Cannes pada tahun 2008. Film ini di bintangi aktris cantik Italia Monica Bellucci.
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